upcoming Events
Chain Theatre
312 W. 36 St
3RD Floor
New York
Friday & Saturday, OCTOBER 4 & 5 @ 7:30PM
After SOLD OUT performances of TITANIC, TMNT and STAR WARS, the Usual Rejects are back and ready to bring you Brother, You Are Going Down: HEAT!! A Staged Parody Fan event for the ages. Trivia! Raffle Prizes! Audience Participation! Sign up for our silent auction for a chance to play God and deal out beers to the cast! Grab your tight crew and join us for the clash of the acting titans! Witness the spectacle of bank robbers and cops who will stop at nothing to destroy each other and the entirety of Los Angeles. Remember: don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner. Don't box us in and get your tickets fast because they are HOT!
Please check your dates and times before booking your ticket. There are no refunds or ticket exchanges unless the event is cancelled.
Starring: Kyle Kirkpatrick, David Rey, Lenny Thomas, Caroline Orlando, Matthew McLachla, Christina Perry, Laura Clare Browne, and Kirk Gostkowski
past events
Chain Theatre
312 W. 36 St
3RD Floor
New York
Friday & Saturday, DECEMBER 15 & 16 @ 7:30PM
Prepare for an intergalactic extravaganza as the sold-out sensation, The Usual Rejects make a triumphant return, ready to pay homage to the '99 Science Fiction Parody classic, Galaxy Quest! Immerse yourself in a pre-show Galaxy Quest Convention experience (Doors open at 7:30 pm), followed by a stellar Stage Parody Show. This Fan Event promises to be a night to remember, featuring audience participation, trivia, enticing raffle prizes, improv, and the most extraordinary cardboard props this side of the Milky Way Galaxy! Don't forget the delightful drink moments during the show! Transport yourself onto the NSEA Protector, don your Bridge Crew uniform, and behold as sitcom actors, not astronauts, rise to the cosmic occasion! Never give up, never surrender!!!
Please check your dates and times before booking your ticket. There are no refunds or ticket exchanges unless the event is cancelled.
Starring: Deven Anderson, Christina Perry, Kyle Kirkpatrick, David Rey, Lenny Thomas, Matt McLachlan, Caroline Orlando, Laura Clare Browne, and Kirk Gostkowski
Chain Theatre
312 W. 36 St
4th Floor
New York
teenage mutant ninja turtles
Friday & Saturday, august 5 & 6 @ 8PM
Yes, Dudes and Dudettes, major-league butt-kicking is back in town! After SOLD OUT performances of TITANIC and STAR WARS, the Usual Rejects are back and ready to bring you Cowabunga!:TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES!! A Fan event for the ages. Trivia! Raffle Prizes! Audience Participation! And sign up for our silent auction for a chance to play God and deal out beers to the cast! Your ticket gets you a FREE DRINK, a ticket into our awesome Raffle and a seat for what we promise will be a good time. Join the Turtles as they meditate on the true meaning of pizza! Avoid the cutlery clad Shredder and his merry band of rebellious teenagers as they steal only the essentials from everyday New Yorkers. Watch a dark version of 90’s New York explode with vigilantes just looking for a little inner peace. God, I love being a turtle! Cowabunga!
Starring: Deven Anderson, Christina Perry, David Rey, Paul Terkel, Matt McLachlan, Jason Michael Miller, and Kirk Gostkowski
I’ll Never let go: titanic!
Friday & Saturday, Sept 3-4 & 10-11 @ 8PM
Chain Theatre
312 W. 36 St
4th Floor
New York
I'M THE KING OF THE WORLD! Relive your 90's crush for all things LEO and KATE as they fight for true love aboard the RMS Titanic on it's fateful night. Join the Usual Rejects at the Chain Theatre in Midtown for yet another staged parody classic as they celebrate this timeless tale of true love, class separation and steamy steamy fun times in the storage compartment! After sold out performances of SPEED and STAR WARS, the Usual Rejects are back, vaccinated and ready to bring you I'll Never Let Go: TITANIC! A Fan event for the ages. Trivia! Raffle Prizes! Audience Participation! And sign up for our silent auction for a chance to play God and deal out beers to the cast! Evade gun battles and the slimy advances of a spoiled fiance, stare intensely at a clock while contemplating your life's work alongside the prophetic Victor Garber, and join the Unsinkable Molly Brown on her crusade to make anyone from first class actually feel something. ALL AHEAD FULL for this fun evening you won't want to miss!
All audience must be 21 years and older
Sponsored by Blue Point Brewery
Starring: Deven Anderson, Christina Perry, David Rey, Caroline Orlando, Matt Mclachlan, and Kirk Gostkowski
Chain Theatre
312 W. 36 St
4th Floor
New York
“I’ve Got a bad feeling abouT this: star wars a new hope”
Friday & Saturday, December 6 & 7 @ 8PM
Doors open at 7:30pm
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…George Lucas revealed to the world one of the best films of all time - and now the time has come for the Usual Rejects to make fun of it. After sold out parody performances of the BIG LEBOWSKI, GHOSTBUSTERS and ROADHOUSE: come join us for I'VE GOT A BAD FEELING ABOUT THIS: Star Wars A New Hope! So hop in that old bucket of bolts, the Millennium Falcon, stop staring at that binary sunset with a glass of blue milk in hand, and kiss your brother claiming it's 'for luck,' its time to save the galaxy. May the Force be with you!
A Fan event for the ages as 6 actors take on every role. Trivia! Raffle Prizes! Audience Participation! And sign up for our silent auction for a chance to play God and deal out beers to the cast!
As one Saga ends another is just beginning…
6 Actors. Every Role.
Lives saved. Dreams fulfilled. Game on.
Starring: Deven Anderson, Justin Andrew Davis, Kyle Kirkpatrick, David Rey, Christina Perry and Kirk Gostkowski
This is a 21+ event. No ID, no entry! Drink responsibly.
“you’ll float too: it”
Saturday, November 9 @ 8PM
Chain Theatre
312 W. 36 St
4th Floor
New York
Doors open at 7:30pm
Turn on your dead lights and grab your yellow slicker because the Usual Rejects are back with YOU'LL FLOAT TOO: IT!. After sold out parody performances of the BIG LEBOWSKI, GHOSTBUSTERS and ROADHOUSE: the Rejects are here to terrorize your childhood dreams with this tribute to the Stephen King epic! Hold on to your clown shoes as we TAKE ON BOTH CHAPTERS!
A Fan event for the ages as 6 actors take on every role. Trivia! Raffle Prizes! Audience Participation! And sign up for our silent auction for a chance to play God and deal out beers to the cast!
6 Actors. Every Role.
Lives saved. Dreams fulfilled. Game on.
Starring: Deven Anderson, Christina Perry, David Rey, Paul Terkel, Laura Browne, and Kirk Gostkowski
This is a 21+ event. No ID, no entry! Drink responsibly.
Chain Theatre
312 W. 36 St
4th Floor
New York
“Say what again: pulp fiction”
Saturday, august 10 @ 8PM
Sponsored by
Throw on your black suits and grab a Big Kahuna Burger because the Usual Rejects are back with SAY WHAT AGAIN: Pulp Fiction. After sold out parody performances of the BIG LEBOWSKI, GHOSTBUSTERS and ROADHOUSE: the Rejects are celebrating the 25th anniversary of Quentin Tarantino's masterpiece during the Chain NYC Film Festival.
A Fan event for the ages as 5 actors take on every role. Trivia! Raffle Prizes! Audience Participation! And sign up for our silent auction for a chance to play God and deal out beers to the cast!
Starring: Deven Anderson, Christina Perry, David Rey, Lenny Thomas, and Kirk Gostkowski
This is a 21+ event. No ID, no entry! Drink responsibly.
Chain Theatre
312 W. 36 St
4th Floor
New York
“Pop Quiz Hot Shot: SPEED”
Saturday, June 29 @ 8PM
sponsored by
Put the pedal to the metal and get yourself to the Chain Theatre! After sold out performances of the X-MEN and ROAD HOUSE the Usual Rejects are back with Pop Quiz Hotshot: Speed! Join us as we celebrate this classic 90's action masterpiece in style (We promise not to shoot the hostage)! Truly a Fan Event for the ages. Trivia! Raffle Prizes! Audience Participation! And sign up for our silent auction for a chance to play God and deal out beers to the cast! And always remember, if you see something, say something - like if you see Keanu Reeves sprinting after your bus - it's time to get off that bus.
This is a 21+ event. No ID, no entry! Drink responsibly.
Chain Theatre
312 W. 36 St
4th Floor
New York
“Hey Bub: X-MEN!”
Friday, May 24 @ 8PM
Saturday, May 25 @ 8PM
Doors open at 7:30PM
(Shirt and shoes required.)
Leap forward into human evolution and join Cyclops, Jean Grey, Storm, Wheels, Wolverine, and all your favorite mutants on stage for this Fan Event.
After sold out parody's of the GHOSTBUSTERS and ROAD HOUSE the Usual Rejects are back with Hey Bub: X-MEN! A war is coming, time to choose a side!
Trivia! Raffle Prizes! Audience Participation! And sign up for our silent auction for a chance to play God and deal out beers to the cast! Your ticket gets you 2 free drinks, a ticket into our awesome Raffle and a seat for what we promise will be a good time. Find out what happens to toads when they're struck by lightning, suit up in your yellow spandex and power up Cerebro! It doesn't take a psychic to know this will be an exciting evening!
This is a 21+ event. No ID, no entry! Drink responsibly.
Chain Theatre
312 W. 36 St
4th Floor
New York
“Pain Don't Hurt:
Saturday, January 19th @ 8PM
Doors open at 7:30PM
(Shirt and shoes required.)
After sold-out houses of Ghostbusters, The Big Lebowski and Star Wars, the Rejects are coming at you hot with this 80s classic and you can expect the unexpected.
Join us as the bouncer who you just thought would be bigger takes on the owner of the local JC Penny in the ultimate bar fighting extravaganza!
Your ticket gets you a raffle ticket and access to all the mullets, throat ripping, tai-chi action your soul searching inner peace, plaid wearing heart could ask for. Remember, never underestimate your opponent, take it outside, and always be nice because PAIN DON'T HURT: ROADHOUSE.
This is a 21+ event. No ID, no entry! Drink responsibly.
Chain Theatre
312 W. 36 St
4th Floor
New York
“Don’t Cross the Streams: Ghostbusters”
Fan Event
Friday, November 16 & Saturday, November 17
Showtime: 8pm
Strap on your unlicensed nuclear accelerator New Yorkers!
We are on the verge of a fourfold cross-reap. A P.K.E. surge of incredible, even dangerous proportions! Who you gonna call? The Usual Rejects! After sold out performances of the BIG LEBOWSKI and TERMINATOR 2 the Usual Rejects are back with Don't Cross the Streams: GHOSTBUSTERS! A Fan event for the ages. Trivia! Raffle Prizes! Audience Participation! And sign up for our silent auction for a chance to play God and deal out beers to the cast! Your ticket gets you 2 free drinks, a ticket into our awesome Raffle and a seat for what we promise will be a good time. Collect spores, mold and fungus with Egon, avoid the eerie sexual advances of Venkman and help the Keymaster and Gatekeeper hook up! I love this town!!!
Doors open @ 7:30PM
Chain Theatre
312 W. 36 St
4th Floor
New York
"Come With Me If You Want to Live: Terminator 2"
Saturday September 15
Showtimes: 7pm, 10pm
Tickets: $18
This is a 21+ event. No ID, no entry! Drink responsibly.
ATTENTION: Anyone named John Connor, RUN! Skynet and the machines are at it again and this time they're after Humanity's last hope! (Edward Furlong?) Ladies and Gentlemen, its "COME WITH ME IF YOU WANT TO LIVE: Terminator 2 Judgement Day! On Saturday September 15th, the Usual Rejects are back and ready to destroy this Schwarzenegger classic! Trivia! Raffle Prizes! Audience Participation! And sign up for our silent auction for a chance to play God and deal out beers to the cast! So hop into your time-traveling blue sphere (one way ride, no returns!), steal some leather clothes, and destroy some kneecaps…it's time to change the future. There is no fate but what we make!
Chain Theatre
312 W. 36 St
4th Floor
New York
"The Dude Abides: The Big Lebowski"
Saturday, August 11
Showtimes: 7pm, 10pm
This is a 21+ event. No ID, no entry! Drink responsibly.
Time to dust off that one soiled rug that really ties the room together and lace up your bowling shoes, its The Dude Abides: The Big Lebowski! Come join us for a night where your favorite comedic actors tackle this staged parody of the classic Coen Brothers tale of mistaken identity. Fend off nihilist marmots and their Lingonberry Pancake eating owners, teach little Larry a lesson in how to treat strangers, get Donny to finally shut up - but under no circumstances do you roll on Shabbas!! Audience participation, trivia, raffle prizes - general mayhem will ensue! Don't miss out! This aggression will not stand!
limited seating, buy in advance!
Saturday, June 30 @ 8pm
Dude, this is not your Grandmas Bingo.
This is Drinking Bingo with the Rejects!
Talk to the hand you say? As if! Slap on your slap bracelets, get those tips frosted and don’t forget to feed your giga-pet before you leave home! Here come all the 90s references your soul can handle. Saturday, June 30th @ 8PM we will scratch off those Bingo boxes through lip sync battles, dance offs, music videos, drinks, and of course reenactments of the ultimate 90s moments performed by your favorite group of Usual Rejects. Designed by Joe Harris of the famous Not Your Standard Bingo & Monarch Sunset Bingo. Hey, the Dude abides. And so do we.
21+ Drink Responsibly.
wythe hotel theatre
80 wythe ave
Brooklyn, NY
"Clever Girl: Jurassic Park"
Saturday, February 17
Showtimes: 7pm, 9pm
This is a 21+ event. No ID, no entry! Drink responsibly.
After sold out performances of THE MATRIX and RETURN OF THE JEDI, The Usual Rejects are back! Hold on to your butts and lock your electronic doors, dinosaurs have escaped! Welcome to CLEVER GIRL: JURASSIC PARK. Watch as your favorite comedic actors devour your favorite childhood film in a hilarious staged reading. Dodge child-hungry Velociraptors and the sexual advances of Dr. Ian Malcolm and when dealing with dino droppings please remember to wash your hands before you eat anything. Audience participation, trivia, raffle prizes - general mayhem will ensue! And yes… We have a T-Rex!
Have we mentioned that it's also a Drinking Game?! THIS SHOW IS RATED R - Wait what? That's right, we card at the Door! 21+ Allowed in!
Lives saved. Dreams fulfilled. Game on.
Beers are available for sale at the bar and you can bring them into the theater.
Starring: Deven Anderson, Rob Brinkmann, Brandon Scott Hughes, Christina Perry, David Rey, and Kirk Gostkowski
Wythe Hotel Theatre
80 Wythe Ave, Brooklyn, NY
"Yub Nub: return of the jedi"
Saturday, January 20
Show Times: 7pm, 9pm
This is a 21+ event. No ID, no entry! Drink responsibly.
Welcome to the Usual Rejects production of Yub Nub: Return of the Jedi, where we ruin your childhood one blockbuster at a time. 5 actors take on all the roles and all the hilarious action to this classic finale to the original Star Wars trilogy!
Give yourself to the dark side and join us for a night of debaucherous entertainment!
OH MY, have we mentioned that it's also a Drinking Game! We’re doomed!
THIS SHOW IS RATED R - Wait what? That's right, we card at the door! Don’t let this overwhelm you, this show is most definitely NOT A TRAP!
There will be audience participation, trivia, raffle prizes...and so much more! The Force is strong with this show.
Admire Jabba’s taste in slave edition gold bikinis, team up with teddy bears to tackle the Empire with twine, and avoid possibly the worst pit of all time - well at least top five worst pits. Give in to your curiosity and join us for an incredible night of fun. It is unavoidable. It is your destiny.
Cradle of Aviation Museum - Dome Theater
Charles Lindbergh Blvd
Garden City, NY
"there is no spoon: the matrix"
Saturday, July 22
Show Time: 8pm
Cradle of Aviation Museum - Dome Theater
Charles Lindbergh Blvd
Garden City, NY
"This is Heavy: Back to the Future"
Saturday, May 13
Show Time: 8pm
2 free beers with admission!
roy arias 777 theater
777 8th ave
"never tell me the odds: the empire strikes back!"
Saturday, December 10, 2016
Show Time: 8pm
Producer's Club NYC
The Grand
358 W 44th St
New York, NY
"Game Over: Aliens"
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Show Times: 7pm, 9pm
Super Megashow / Megafest
181 Boston Post Rd W
Marlborough, MA
"Game Over: Aliens"
Friday, October 21, 2016
Show Time: 7:30pm
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Show Time: 6:30pm
Shows are performed at Best Western Royal Plaza Hotel, Ballroom Salon D
Eternal Con
june 10-12, 2016
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Show Time: 7pm
Complimentary Beer provided by
Blue Point Brewery!

DIE HARD With A vengence
Jurassic Park
Top Gun
Independence Day
Star Trek: Wrath of Khan
Star Wars: A New Hope
Road House
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Back to the Future 1 and 2

about the usual rejects
Best uses of cardboard seen in this galaxy.
A staged parody of all your favorite EPIC blockbuster movies. Six comedic actors. Every role. Bad accents, costumes, talking dinosaurs, audience participation, trivia, and only the most quotable films. Come join the fun and see your favorite films portrayed like never before! You may even get to be part of the show!
The Usual Rejects was created as a fundraiser to support programming and productions at The Chain Theatre, a 501c3 not for profit company. All ticket sales and proceeds go to continuing this line of nonsense and supporting a great independent theatre company located in NYC.
This is a staged reading presented as a drinking game. Different references in the movie or actions of characters will result in the actors yelling:
We encourage all audience members to drink responsibly.
Please note that while there are adults on stage wearing paper hats, The Usual Rejects does contain adult material and usually some form of alcohol. Ages 21+
Jacklyn Collier
Jacklyn has known she was destined to be a reject since the age of six, when her kindergarten crush told her that she smelled like kitty litter (her family did not have a cat at the time). Jacklyn channeled her heartbreak into artistic pursuits. Some of Jacklyn's most memorable acting experiences include operating the poop gun for Tucker Max's I Hope They Serve Beer on Broadway, getting booed off the stage by a bunch of third graders in Oklahoma City, and playing several different prostitutes (with hearts of gold!) at The Chain Theatre.
Sean Curry
Sean is the force that cannot be caused, the great truth never known. He is all and nothing and everything. On Sundays, he likes to relax with a cup of coffee and the unanswered cries of a thousand extinguished civilizations. He is enjoying omnipotence and greatly looks forward to developing benevolence.
Nick Fondulis
Nick Fondulis laughed maniacally in Tina Fey's face on “30 Rock," had his own face punched by Ian McShane on "Kings" & pummeled by Taylor Shilling's donuts in "Mercy." Nick enjoys pop quizzes for hotshots & nobody calls him chicken. Nobody.
Kirk Gostkowski
What are those dulcet tones you hear? It’s probably the narration of Kirk Gostkowski encouraging you to pay attention. From Nakatomi Plaza to the Temple of Doom he has been encouraging you join the ride because we’ve spared no expense. Don’t worry baby, I’ll be your Captain.
Brandon Scott Hughes
Brandon Scott Hughes was raised by raptors until the ripe age of 30 when he became a New York City cop. Recently separated from his wife, he took a voyage to outer space, the final frontier, where he met a group of aliens who injected him with mimetic polyalloy and sent him back to earth to fight off a robot invasion. After his success he was elected President and now had to face his alien “friends” who had now become his enemy. He will not go quietly into the night!! And he will not give up without a fight!!! He will go on… being a Usual Reject. Amen.
Kyle Kirkpatrick
After years of getting type-casted as the "Coquettish Ingenue" in back room snuff films, Kyle decided he had a destiny to fulfill! And that destiny was to vomit and piss himself on stage, both of which never would've been possible without the guidance and support of The Usual Rejects. He looks forward to his next role with the company, where his super-objective will be to belch and brown his underwear at the same time. You know, now that he thinks about it, he's still the Coquettish Ingenue.
Christina Elise Perry
From Sarah Conner to your beloved Princess Leia, Perry hits vocal frequencies that would kill passing birds and mimics all the cinematic moments that annoy you most. Christina Elise Perry brings new levels of terror and pushes the boundaries of what really lies within the female psyche.
Patrick Pizzolorusso
Patrick is a proud to call himself a Reject. Either in the audience or on stage, no role is to big. No fee is to big. He's a classically trained Reject who spent time studying with the greats; Spielberg, Lucas, Coppola, The Zucker Brothers. You give him a poor moisture farmer and he'll whine through his lines so hard he'll make you cry. (Or himself) May the Force Live long and ALWAYS cross the streams.
Stacy Ayn Price
Stacy Ayn Price is the love child of two Nordic Greek Gods, Sven and Vyeka. An abandoned shinning diamond of a goddess bastard, you saw her as a Porn Star on MTV's Guy Code ( "Life Without Porn") and Sue in Rady and Bloom's "The Upper Room" ( NY Times Critic's Pick). She starred and created "Box of Crayons" and "Peaches and Tea" (Cannes 2015)). AND, She can fly (got it from her momma).
David Rey
Ignored as a child, David spent most of his free time watching movies and acting them out in front of the mirror. Dressing up in his mother’s yellow bike outfit to play Wolverine, or using his father’s work shirts to play Clark Kent, or his mother’s panty hose to play Prince Adam AKA HeMan, or his mother’s eyeshadow to play Lion-O. Later it was clear that besides wanting to be a cross dresser, David was destined to do exactly what he loved to do as a child, to wear costumes, put on make up and pretend he’s saving the world...or tear people’s heart out...or defuse a bomb...or battle Dart Vader...or be Jeff Goldblum...it’s the tits!
Lenny Thomas
Lenny "Laugh or Die" Thomas is a New York City slicking motherf*cker! Born already able to walk, Lenny walks where he damn pleases, but is cocksure to leave a trail of LOL's and smiles. Head over heels in love with performing, "LD" never misses any opportunity to ham it up with his compadres. #blackstallion.

when's our next show?