Imagine Video

Episode 02: Quarantine Edition- Live to Tape

**SPOILERS – The Tiger King Is Discussed**

 Greg ruminates on the uncertainty of the current viral situation and what this will mean for our future. Deven relocates to the street. The current state of entertainment. How will this change the future of movies and other forms of entertainment? A quick run down of films that are out and now on-demand: The Tiger King*, Onward, The Way Back, The Invisible Man. The tone-deaf “Imagine video” is discussed. Kirk’s dreams of Disneyland and Star Wars were crushed by the virus. Greg has been riding out this Stay-At-Home with The Wonder Years. The number of postponed films pile up. Riddles for Deven! Gordon Ramsey is clearly a favorite among the Rejects. What are you watching during this Stay-At-Home? What is on your list? Final thoughts: Birds of Prey, the animated Harley Quinn show, DC has given up on the cinematic universe, the upcoming Batman. Stay safe everyone.
