The lost art of production company identifiers. John Lovitz and his sad life. The guys listen in to Disney's special good night call from Spiderman. Racist brief SNL cast members who are still unapologetically racist. An exploration into the many theme songs of the Cosby Show. Ad Astra and Once Upon A Time In Hollywood reviewed. Deven regales us with the worst theater experience while watching IT at the Orpheum. The problems with IT are discussed and just who is that hypochondriac guy? Kirk teases the next Rejects show. A short in memorium.
Episode 06: Chazz From Brooklyn
A quick run down of all the summer movies. Staying relevant as always the boys wonder if anyone saw the movie Collateral Beauty. Deven’s subway antics. The debut of Greg’s new character on the show: Chazz and attends a hot sauce expo. The new Hellboy is out. Talking about spoiler internet trolls. The Russo Bros are starting their own studio. Kirk enacts Vin Diesel’s process for playing Groot. Anticipating Spider-man: Far From Home.
Jamie Foxx scary Blu Ray Set
Kirk reads the hate mail. An in depth look at the failure of the new Ghostbusters movie. Batman’s naughty place make its first appearance. Tommy Wiseau somehow still has some sort of career. Sean Penn’s new show The First and Hearts Beat Loud reviewed. Making a Murderer Season 2 is coming. The long term brain damage of binge watching. Deven loves Harry Potter.
The boys contemplate the antics of a lethargic disinterested middle aged Spider-Man. Deven and Greg wrestle the dashing and handsome (and part-time synopsis writer) Kirk to take his blood pressure. Deven takes an in depth look into Ready Player One the book vs. the film and his personal bubble. Greg considers becoming a professional librarian. Netflix’s Lost in Space and Isle of Dogs are reviewed. Iceman of Top Gun fame swings by for reviews in ‘too close for missles, I’m switching to gum.’
In this nostalgia fueled episode, the boys travel back to a time when Blockbuster Video reigned supreme and L.A. Gear got you picked first for kickball. 80’s and 90’s youth consumerism is wistfully remembered as Kirk and Greg discuss getting relentlessly harassed for clothing choices. The psychological value of Jersey Shore is dissected leading to a dramatic reading of the most disturbing pizza reviews you’ve ever heard.